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Level 1


In level 1, data is identifiable as individual generic data objects that are described by generic metadata elements. Hosting environment offers limited retrieval capabilities.

This level prescribes the entry level requirements that all the higher levels will build up upon. It establishes basic requirements to enable ‘Findability’, ‘Accessibility’ with basic descriptive metadata that enables data users to interpret and understand the data object.

The first step to be at Maturity Level 1 is to define and identify the data object that is expected to be shared and re-used (i.e., the FAIR data object). Notice this level is referring to a Data Object rather than a Dataset. This is to imply that data at this level includes both structured and unstructured data.



A Level 1 dataset might involve the publication of analysis-related data in a general purpose repository such as Harvard Dataverse, Zenodo or Figshare, making them findable, citable and available for re-use for the purpose of future analysis validation. Deposition in a repository will give the dataset a DOI, accession number or other globally unique and persistent identifier. Repositories generally require some minimal metadata to describe both the high-level content of the submission and the individual file types. Indexing this information allows for searching and retrieval based on a number of facets.


FAIR-DSM Level 1 Indicators


NameEach Dataset purposed for FAIR sharing and reuse is assigned a unique identifier
Maturity Level1
CategoryContent and Context
Granularity LevelDataset
DescriptionThis is a data-related requirement. The Dataset is assigned a unique identifier such that it can be referenced unambiguously.
Related FAIR PrincipleF1. (Meta)data are assigned a globally unique and persistent identifier
Related DSM IndicatorDSM-1-R2
Cross-reference FAIR indicatorsRDA-F1-02D, FsF-F1-01D


NameDataset Descriptor includes Descriptive Study/Project-Level summary information
Maturity Level1
CategoryContent and Context
Granularity LevelProject
DescriptionThis is a metadata-related requirement. Metadata should include summary information about the study or project that the Data Object is related to. This is basic contextual-metadata that will allow minimum levels of human interpretation of the data being shared.
Related DSM Indicator 
Related FAIR PrincipleR1. Meta(data) are richly described with a plurality of accurate and relevant attributes
Cross-reference FAIR indicators 


NameDataset Descriptor includes Identifying and Descriptive Dataset-Level metadata
Maturity Level1
CategoryContent and Context
Granularity LevelDataset
DescriptionThis is a metadata-related requirement. Metadata should include the Dataset Identifier it is describing AND descriptive information about the Dataset as a whole to enable Search-ability and Findability of Data (e.g., name, description, keywords).
Related DSM Indicator 
Related FAIR PrincipleF3. Metadata clearly and explicitly include the identifier of the data they describe, R1. Meta(data) are richly described with a plurality of accurate and relevant attributes.
Cross-reference FAIR indicatorsRDA-F3-01M, RDA-F2-01M, F2F-F2-01M, FsF-F3-01M


NameDataset Descriptor contains access information for the Dataset
Maturity Level1
CategoryContent and Context
Granularity LevelDataset
DescriptionThis is a metadata-related requirement. Metadata should include Both access level and conditions necessary to potentially gain access to the data
Related DSM Indicator 
Related FAIR PrincipleA1. (Meta)data are retrievable by their identifier using a standardised communications protocol
Cross-reference FAIR indicatorsRDA-A1-01M, FsF-A1-01M


NameMetadata hosting environment stores and maintains an identifiable Dataset Descriptor for each identifiable Dataset
Maturity Level1
CategoryHosting Environment
CapabilityStorage Capability
DescriptionThe hosting environment stores for each data object a related metadata record, which enables findability. At this basic level of maturity, there is no restriction on the persistence model for the metadata records as long as the representation for data exchange is offered in accordance to a standard generic metadata schema (DSM-1-R4)
Related DSM IndicatorDSM-1-R4
Related FAIR PrincipleA1. (Meta)data are retrievable by their identifier using a standardised communications protocol
Cross-ref FAIR indicatorsRDA-F1-01M, RDA-F1-01D


NameThe Dataset and its Descriptor are indexed and retrievable (in the same or separate hosting environments) via unique and persistent identifiers
Maturity Level1
CategoryHosting Environment
CapabilityRetrieval Capability
DescriptionThis indicator focuses on the resolvability and persistence of the Identifier, which needs to be guaranteed by the hosting environment.
Related DSM Indicator 
Related FAIR PrincipleA1. (Meta)data are retrievable by their identifier using a standardised communications protocol
Cross-ref FAIR indicatorsRDA-A1-03M, RDA-A1-03D, FsF-F1-02D


NameRetrieval of the Dataset and the Dataset Descriptor utilises a standardized communication protocol that is open, free and universally implementable
Maturity Level1
CategoryHosting Environment
CapabilityRetrieval Capability
DescriptionStandardised protocol implementation facilitates access of the data and metadata such as HTTP, FTP (e.g. simple links for download).
Related DSM Indicator 
Related FAIR PrincipleA1.1 The protocol is open, free, and universally implementable.
Cross-ref FAIR indicatorsRDA-A1.1-01D


NameMetadata hosting environment offers the capability to browse and search contents of the Dataset Descriptor
Maturity Level1
CategoryHosting Environment
CapabilitySearching Capability
DescriptionThis capability is enabled by the Metadata Hosting Environment storing and indexing the metadata that is included in the Dataset Descriptor (F+MM-1.H2). As a gained benefit, the hosting environment should be able to offer simple keyword search against their locally defined metadata schema to enable basic human led discoverability of the associated datasets.
Related DSM Indicator 
Related FAIR PrincipleF4. (Meta)data are registered or indexed in a searchable resource
Cross-ref FAIR indicators 


NameDataset Metadata is formally represented in the form of an Identifiable Dataset Descriptor
Maturity Level1
CategoryMetadata Representation
Granularity LevelDataset
DescriptionThe Metadata describing the dataset description is conformed as an object that can be identified and it is called a Dataset Descriptor.
Related DSM Indicator 
Related FAIR PrincipleF1. (Meta)data are assigned a globally unique and persistent identifier
Cross-reference FAIR indicatorsRDA-F1-01M


NameContextual Metadata is reported at a summary level and represented in the Dataset Descriptor
Maturity Level1
CategoryData Representation
Granularity LevelDataset
DescriptionThe Dataset Descriptor of the dataset includes metadata that describes the context in which the dataset was produced within.
Related DSM Indicator 
Related FAIR PrincipleF2. Data are described with rich metadata
Cross-reference FAIR indicatorsRDA-F2-01M


NameStructured and/or Unstructured Data are organised into Dataset (s) created for the purpose of FAIR sharing
Maturity Level1
CategoryData Representation
Granularity LevelDataset
DescriptionThis is a pre-requisite requirement to define the unit of data that is the subject-matter of the FAIRification process. This requirement requires the data managers to consider the form and the representation of data into Datasets that are designed and purposed for sharing and re-use by users unfamiliar with the data. Once defined, a Dataset should be assigned an identifier as indicated by DSM-1-C0, which then makes it an Identifiable Dataset.

What this requirement is trying to advice against are decisions to FAIRify data stored in databases according to a defined schema without defining the ‘data exchange unit’ that is meant for sharing and re-use.
Related DSM IndicatorDSM-1-C0
Related FAIR PrincipleFoundational Principle
Cross-reference FAIR indicators 


NameA representation of the Dataset Descriptor conforming to a relevant General-purpose Metadata Schema is available
Maturity Level1
CategoryMetadata Representation
Granularity LevelDataset
DescriptionThe Dataset Descriptor includes what are considered the essential elements to describe the data.
Related DSM Indicator 
Related FAIR PrincipleR1.3. (Meta)data meet domain-relevant community standards
Cross-reference FAIR indicatorsRDA-R1.3-01M, FsF-R1.3-01M


NameDataset Descriptor is available in Machine-Readable Format
Maturity Level1
CategoryMetadata Format
Granularity LevelDataset
DescriptionThis is a format-related requirement that focuses on machine-readability aspect of the metadata. This is a pre-requisite requirement to having the metadata indexed and searchable in a hosting resource DSM-1-H4.
Related DSM IndicatorDSM-1-H4
Related FAIR PrincipleF4. (Meta)data are registered or indexed in a searchable resource
Cross-reference FAIR indicatorsRDA-F4-01M, RDA-I1-01M, FsF-I1-01M


NameDataset(s) are available in Machine-Readable Format
Maturity Level1
CategoryData Format
Granularity LevelDataset
DescriptionThis is a format-related requirement that focuses on machine-readability aspect of the data. This is a pre-requisite requirement to having the data indexed and searchable in a hosting resource DSM-1-H4.
Related DSM IndicatorDSM-1-H4
Related FAIR PrincipleF4. (Meta)data are registered or indexed in a searchable resource
Cross-reference FAIR indicatorsRDA-I1-01D, FsF-R1.3-02D

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